More To Life
Winthrop, Maine
A Fun Family Christian Camping Experience
1st Annual MTL Women's Retreat
Friday, July 17 - Sunday, July 19 (come a day early for free!)
$129 per/person includes lodging, meals and bible journal - sitemap

Thank you so much for joining us for our first
Women's Retreat at More to Life Campground.
We are excited for this time we will spend together
and have planned a variety of fun things to do during
our sessions. Please review the schedule
and details of what to bring below.
If you have any questions, please email
info@moretolifecampground.com or
call 395-4908.
Your registration includes meals from Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast. Make sure to take advantage of our wonderful setting during breaks and enjoy hiking, kayaking, swimming and more!
Invite family to spend the day on Sunday.
(There is a $4 daily visitor fee (or $10 per family).
Thursday, July 16th
Come a day early for FREE!
You are welcome to come early but please let us know by calling before July 15th. Please note You will be responsible for your meals until Friday dinner.
Friday, July 17th
1-3pm: Check-in & Registration @ the Store
5:30pm: Dinner
6:30-8:30pm: Session One – Loving Well by Beth Moore
9pm: Bonfire
Saturday, July 18th
7:30-8:30am: Breakfast
9:30-11am: Session Two – Loving Well by Beth Moore
12:00pm: Lunch then enjoy the afternoon for activities and exploring
5:30pm: Dinner
6:30-8:30pm: Session Three – Loving Well by Beth Moore
9pm: Coffee & Dessert w/music by Jason Davis
Sunday, July 19th
7:30am: Breakfast
8:30-10am: Worship & Last Session – Loving Well by Beth Moore
10am: Church Service with Mark Gordon
Enjoy the rest of the day at camp!
What to bring:
If you are staying in a cabin or bunkhouse, be sure to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, towels & toiletries. If you are bringing a tent or camper then you probably have a longer list:) A pen, bible and camera would also be a good idea as well as bathing suit and towel if you plan on going swimming!
Meals are provided but if you want special snacks or drinks, please bring those as well. There will have bottled water available at the retreat sessions.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call us.